About Us

How The Space Journey Began

Kosmic Kingdom was found as an inspiration, when a dad of 2 kids from a business family used to take his son and daughter to different play areas in Gurugram on the weekends. And every play area they went, there was something missing about the place. Some had no place for parents to sit and enjoy a nice meal or a coffee, some were not very clean and hygienic, some were very small where kids used to get bored before even an hour, some did not feel safe enough to leave your precious ones alone, some were in the basements making it a claustrophobic, and all of them used to close by 8pm latest.

That’s when the idea of giving Gurugram the best Play Area and Cafe, eradicating all the flaws, seen from the eyes of a parent. As the idea started taking shape, two old friends collaborated and worked on giving the audience of Gurugram something what was missing.

Today, Kosmic Kingdom is an Indoor Play-Zone that has a variety of games and activities for the kids of all ages, and where parents can have a relaxing time, enjoying the best of Coffee and Gourmet food at the Cafe Kallisto Brews, meeting other parents, while knowing that their kids are in safe hands, without having to worry about safety, cleanliness and hygiene.


Our promise

Kosmic Kingdom is the only play area in the country today, that opens until midnight on the weekends, so that mom and dads can spend a cozy dinner or a nice Coffee date while the trouble makers are in safe hands enjoying their weekends as well.

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